Email Performance | Example Analysis
What business question am I trying to answer?
My open rate is up 20% over the last 30 days. I'd like to understand what is leading to that success so I can continue those learnings in my strategy next month.
What metrics from this product help you answer that question?
For this analysis, I will need Open Rate, Campaign, Subject, Time of Day, and Day of Week.
Observation #1
The first thing I notice is that in addition to the open rate being up 15%, I also see that my unique opens and click-through rate is up significantly as well. I want to dive into the messaging and potentially other factors that might be influencing this increase.
Observation #2
By sorting my open rates at the bottom of the dashboard, I see that Campaign 217 had an open rate of 75% but had very few clicks. However, Campaign 216 also had a high open rate but had a much higher click rate. Now I want to look closer into the details of Campaign 216.
Observation #3
By filtering the entire dashboard to Campaign 216, I can look and see what messaging, time of day and day of the week worked best for this campaign.
There was only one subject line used for this campaign, so no further analysis can be done here.
Early in the week seems to be the best time for people to engage with my content.
I can also see that for this campaign, my audience was most likely to interact (click) on my email either very late at night or early in the morning. Indicating I could perhaps try to target people when they’re either winding down their day or just starting their day.
- Using Campaign 216 as a benchmark, I’d compare other campaigns I’ve run recently to see how their messaging, time of day, and day of the week compare. Use these comparisons to set up a series of A/B test campaigns to prove the theory of running campaigns early in the week, and sending late at night or early in the morning.
- When setting up the next campaign, run at least two Subject lines as an A/B test to understand what call to action influences the highest open rate.