Organic Social | Example Analysis
What business question am I trying to answer?
I'm in charge of social media marketing, and my Director set a SMART goal of increasing social media followers by 10% for next quarter. I need to conduct an analysis to see where my followers are currently interacting with content to determine the best platform to target for my goal.
What metrics from this product help you answer that question?
I need to use followers, posts, engagements and engagement rate.
What visuals from the dashboard tell this story?
First I set my date filter to quarter to date and examine my followers. At first glance the followers scorecard doesn't show a lot of change, so let's dive a little deeper to how users are engaging with my brand.
Observation #1
Next I'll consider posts and engagements. The first thing I notice is that my users are heavily engaged in my Instagram account, so I definitely want to take a closer look at that tab. I'll also take a look at Facebook and YouTube.
Twitter had the most posts but a fairly low engagement, so I probably won't meet me goal focusing on that platform. Likewise, LinkedIn has very low engagement, so I will chose to focus my efforts where my users are.
Observation #2
First I take a look at the Facebook tab. I see a decrease in posts and engagements, but I also see an increase in my engagement rate. Looking at engagements by post type, I see that users are mostly engaging with photos.
Observation #2
Next I move to the Instagram tab. Here I also see a decrease in posts and engagements, but also a decrease in engagement rate. However, I will note that most of my users are on Facebook and Instagram,, I need to keep in mind that I should meet my target audience where they are.
I also note that like Facebook, users tend to respond mostly to images.
Observation #3
Lastly, I take a look at YouTube. I see a big increase in engagement rate this quarter. I see I've been posting more on YouTube, and I've also been gaining subscribers as a result. I will continue to build that community.
- I will focus efforts on Facebook, Instagram as they have the most followers but also YouTube as that audience is fairly large and seems currently engaged.
- Since images are most popular on Facebook and Instagram, I will cross post images on Instagram and Facebook to maximize views and decrease effort.
- I will also return to the dashboard to view engagement by day to help plan a social media calendar to schedule posts in advance for my three target platforms.