Shopify | Order Standard Dataset
This article details the dataset structure ChannelMix considers standard for the Order dataset from Shopify. There is a 1 day lag with a 30 day span that will be run daily. If a different span of refresh is required, just let us know.
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Field | Type | Description |
ID | Dimension | The ID of the order, used for API purposes. This is different from the order number, which is the ID used by the shop owner and customer |
Report Date | Date | The date the order was created in Shopify |
Closed At | Datetime | The date and time when the order was closed |
Created At | Datetime | The autogenerated date and time when the order was created in Shopify |
Updated At | Datetime | The date and time when the order was last modified |
Test | Dimension | Whether this is a test order |
Total Price | Number | The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency |
Subtotal Price |
Number | The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, taxes, and tips |
Total Weight | Number | The sum of all line item weights in grams |
Total Tax | Number | The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in the shop currency |
Taxes Included |
Dimension | Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal |
Currency | Number | The three-letter code for the shop currency |
Financial Status | Number | The status of payments associated with the order |
Total Discounts | Number | The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency |
Total Line Items Price | Number | The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency |
Referring Site | Dimension | The website where the customer clicked a link to the shop |
Landing Site | Dimension | The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop |
Cancelled At | Datetime | The date and time when the order was canceled |
Cancel Reason | Dimension | The reason why the order was canceled |
Processed At | Datetime | The date and time when the order was processed |
Order Number | Dimension | The order 's position in the shop's count of orders starting at 1001 |
Discount Applications | Dimension | An ordered list of stacked discount applications |
Discount Amount | Number | The amount that's deducted from the order total. When you create an order, this value is the percentage or monetary amount to deduct. After the order is created, this property returns the calculated amount. |
Discount Code | Dimension | When the associated discount application is of type code , this property returns the discount code that was entered at checkout. Otherwise this property returns the title of the discount that was applied. |
Discount Type | Dimension | The type of discount. Default value: fixed_amount . Valid values:
Source Name | Dimension | Where the order originated |
Fulfillment Status | Dimension | The order's status in terms of fulfilled line items |
Line Items | Dimension | A list of line item objects, each containing information about an item in the order |
Fulfillments | Dimension | A list of fulfillments associated with the order |
Refunds | Dimension | A list of refunds applied to the order |
Client Details User Agent | Dimension | Details of the browsing client, including software and operating versions |
Customer Default Address City | Dimension | The customer's default city |
Customer Default Address Country Code | Dimension | The customer's default country code |
Customer Default Address Zip | Dimension | The customer's default zip code |
Customer Default Address Providence | Dimension | The customer's default providence or state |
Customer Default Address Providence Code | Dimension | The customer's default provide or state code |
Customer Default Address Country | Dimension | The customer's default country |
Customer ID | Dimension | The customer's ID |
Customer Total Spent | Number | The total amount spent by the customer |
Customer State | Dimension | If the customers is invited, enabled or disabled |
Insert Date | Timestamp | ChannelMix Field: when the row was inserted into the dataset |
ChannelMix Profile | Dimension | ChannelMix Field: the ChannelMix Profile associated to the data |