LocaliQ | Google Keyword
Below are the measures and dimensions Alight Analytics considers standard for LocaliQ - Google Keyword dataset. The data is pulled for the previous 31 days on 1st and 15th of each month. Please note that the data returned will include google only totals for impressions, clicks, click-through-rate (CTR), media_cost and keywords. It will also show breakdowns per keyword for clicks, media cost, impressions, first page cost-per-click (CPC) and top page cost-per-click.
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Pro Tip: If a different data pull day is required, please let the Product Support team know and they can adjust the refresh window to your preference.
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Keyword |
String |
The keyword name |
Clicks |
Integer |
Clicks for keyword |
Media Cost |
Float |
Cost |
Impressions |
Integer |
Impressions for keyword |
First Page CPC |
Float |
First page cost-per-click (The first page is page 1. Default values of 1 and 15 will be used if not specified) |
Top Page CPC |
Float |
Top page cost-per-click |
Report Type |
String |
Name of report |
Earliest Date Available |
Date |
How far back data is available |
Start Date |
Date |
The start date |
End Date |
Date |
The end date |
Time Zone |
String |
Time zone of data |
Global Master Advertiser Id |
String |
Identifier for advertiser |
Page |
Float |
Page number |
Page Size |
Float |
Number of keywords on page |
Insert Date |
DateTime |
ChannelMix Field: when the row was inserted into the dataset |
ChannelMix Profile |
String |
ChannelMix Field: the ChannelMix Profile associated with the data |