GA4 | What happened to my Checkout Stages?
The Checkout Stages section in my dashboard is blank or missing, where is the data?
Unlike UA, GA4 only provides funnel steps and does not provide checkout options. By default, only the begin_checkout event is available. Therefore the Checkout Stages visual (screenshot below) was removed from the ECom Digital Marketing Pipeline and Marketing to Sales Pipeline dashboards starting on Version 2023.1.
The Checkout Stages visual that was available in Version 2022.4 (and prior) of the Shopping Behavior Summary tab in the Digital Marketing Pipeline and Marketing to Sales Pipeline ECom dashboards.
Is there a way to expand the Shopping Stages section?
In addition to begin_checkout, GA4 also now provides add_shipping_info and add_payment_info events. Since the equivalent for these events were not available by default in UA, these events are not shown in the Shopping Behavior Summary tab by default. The good news is that ChannelMix already includes these events in the OneView that powers this dashboard! Additionally, the team at ChannelMix can work to include any custom events into the OneView for you.