ChannelMix API connection is built around the Salesforce Rest API.
Connection Guide
Currently Supported Version: | 53.0 |
Attribution Window: | N/A |
Time Zone Reporting: | UTC |
API Limitations: | N/A |
Backfill Limitations: |
Standard source activation allows for up to 731 days of backfill (see Dataset Activation). |
Refresh Limit: | Each ChannelMix client can refresh no more than 5,000 days' worth of LinkedIn data across all profiles per month (see Dataset Refresh). |
Connection Authentication
Salesforce is Authenticated via OAuth in C3.
Checkout this article for a general overview of the connection process!
Profile Association and Values
Required User Permission Levels
User requires "API Enabled" permission. Salesforce User Permission Documentation
Data Guide
Lag Time: | 1 day |
Span: | 30 Days |
Query Based Reporting |
Learn more about these reports in Salesforce Data Details.
Reporting Guide
Type of Application: | Customer Relationship Management |