ChannelMix Platform | Connecting to your Data Source
Our dashboards are fed by OneViews, which are composed of a variety of datasets.
When you activate a data source, you are given the open to connect to these datasets all at once. Follow the steps below to learn more.
Step 1: Select your Data Source
Step 2: Add your Connection.
See ChannelMix Connections if you need details on a connection.
Step 3: Link your ChannelMix Profile.
If you need a refresher on clients versus profiles, please see
- 🎓ChannelMix Academy | Unit 2: ChannelMix Control Center
- or ChannelMix Platform | Client and Profile Creation.
Step 4: Select your profile when prompted.
Step 5: Select any other connection information when prompted.
See ChannelMix Connections if you need details on a connection.
Step 6: Select "Save and Activate Dateset"
Step 7: Review your datasets.
You will be presented with a list of all datasets associated to that data source. Those that are part of our ChannelMix standards are pre-selected with a backfill date of January of the previous year. These are are our default recommendations.
Step 8: Select "Activate".
🎉You are done! 🎉
If you elect to receive an email, you will be notified once your datasets have been activated. If there are any issues, please provide details from that activation email to our Support team for further assistance.
Below is an example of a call with datasets that need review. Your ticket should list all datasets under "Dataset(s) Under Review":