ChannelMix Platform | Connecting Data Sources
With the Connect page in ChannelMix Control Center, you can initiate connections to your data sources, granting ChannelMix the ability to extract data from those systems.
For a detailed walkthrough, see 🎓ChannelMix Academy | Unit 2: ChannelMix Control Center.
Before we get started, it's important to define a couple of phrases we'll use in this "How to":
- Connection: Think of a connection as a username and password. If my account, has access to 15 of my client's Google Ads accounts, I only need to create one connection.
- Profile Association: This is how how you tell ChannelMix which accounts you have access to under the Connection belong to which client. For example,
ChannelMix Profile "ChannelMix Client 1" should be associated to the Google Ads account 123456-12.
ChannelMix Profile "ChannelMix Client 2" should be associated to the Google Ads account 78902-34.
Steps to Connect
- Navigate to the client dropdown in the upper part of the screen.
- Find and select the client, brand, or property you want to connect to.
- Find the data source you’d like to connect.
- Depending on the data source selected, you will be prompted to authenticate directly with the data source (OAuth) or enter the information necessary for ChannelMix to connect to the data source.
Non-OAuth Data Sources:
- You will be prompted to enter the information necessary for ChannelMix to connect to the data source. If you have any questions about the information required, contact your Client Solutions Rep.
- You will be prompted to enter the information necessary for ChannelMix to connect to the data source. If you have any questions about the information required, contact your Client Solutions Rep.
OAuth Data Sources:
- You will be redirected to the source’s log-in screen.
- Enter the username and password that you use to log in to your client’s or brand’s account.
- Once complete, you will be redirected back to the ChannelMix Control Center.
Non-OAuth Data Sources:
- Once the Connection has been created, be sure to set the Connection Name to something intuitive. We highly recommend adding the username of the account in the Connection Name so you can easily identify what account was used to create this connection.
For additional details see ChannelMix Connections.
Steps to Associate a ChannelMix Profile
Click "Link ChannelMix Profile" at the bottom of the connection you've created
- Select the ChannelMix Profile you want to connect data to.
Populate the fields with the appropriate information (Pro Tip: For API connections, Click INTO the blank white box to have all the accounts you have access to through that credential listed)
- Not all fields are required.
- Some fields will take you to a list of available values. For other fields, the values will need to be manually entered.
- Click SAVE.
You're all done! Now it's time to activate your datasets.