Facebook | Pages Standard Dataset
Below are the measures and dimensions Alight Analytics considers standard for Facebook - Pages dataset. There is a one day lag on Facebook and data is pulled for the previous seven days.
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Field Name
Type | Description |
Report Date | Date | The date the activity occurred. |
Page Name | Dimension | The name of the page. |
Page Impressions | Whole Number | The total number of impressions seen of any content associated with your Page, whether clicked on or not. |
Organic Page Impressions | Whole Number | The total number of times your posts were seen in News Feed, Ticker or on visits to your Page. These impressions can be by Fans or non-Fans. |
Viral Page Impressions | Whole Number | The total number of impressions of a story published by a friend about your Page |
Engaged Users | Whole Number | The number of unique users who engaged with your Page in the report period. Engagement includes any click or story created. |
Page Stories | Whole Number | The number of stories created about your Page. Stories include: Likes of your Page; Likes, comments on, or shares of your Page posts; Answers to a Question you’ve asked; Responses to your Event; Mentions of your Page; Tags of your Page in a photo; Check-ins or Recommendations of your Place. |
Page Fans | Whole Number | The number of people who like your Page |
Unique Page Fan Adds | Whole Number | The number of new people who liked your Page in the report period |
Unique Page Fan Removes | Whole Number | The number of new people who unliked your Page in the report period |
Form Name | Dimension | The name of the Lead Ad Form |
Form ID | Dimension | The ID of the Lead Ad Form |
Form Status | Dimension | The status of this Lead Ad Form: active, deleted, etc |
Leads Count | Whole Number | Total number of Leads for a given Form |
Expired Leads Count | Whole Number | Number of leads submitted for this form that have since expired. Facebook automatically removes lead data 90 days after a form is submitted. |
Organic Leads Count | Whole Number | Total number of Organic Leads for a given Form. Organic leads in Facebook lead forms are leads that come from people who share a lead ad with a friend, who then submits the form |
Context Card Title | Dimension | The context card of this Lead Ad Form. A Facebook lead form context card is an optional introductory page that appears between a lead ad and a form, providing more information about what people are signing up for. It is the first thing the user sees after clicking on the lead ad |
Context Card Content | Dimension | The content of the Context Card |
Questions | Dimension | The questions used in this Form |
Follow up Action Text | Dimension | The displayed label on the follow up action when the user completes the form |
Follow up Action URL | Dimension | The URL that the Follow up Action Text will take them to on click |
Allow Organic Lead | Boolean | Include organic lead for this form |
Block Display for Non-Target Viewer | Boolean | Flag to indicate whether non targeted viewers should be blocked from seeing the Lead Ad form |
Insert Date | Dimension | Internal use: when the row was inserted in the table |
ChannelMix Profile | Dimension | When needed, distinguishes between Facebook accounts – Contents defined by Alight |