Apple Search Ads | Campaign Standard Dataset
Below are the measures and dimensions that ChannelMix considers standard for the Apple Search Ads - Campaign dataset. There is a one day lag on Apple Search, and data is pulled for the previous 30 days.
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Report Date |
Date |
The date the activity occurred. |
Campaign ID |
Dimension |
The Campaign ID. |
Campaign |
Dimension |
The Campaign name. |
Campaign Status |
Dimension |
The Campaign status. |
App |
Dimension |
The name of the app the ad is for. |
Daily Budget |
Dimension |
The daily cap for you ads. |
Total Budget |
Dimension |
The total budget. |
Display Status |
Dimension |
The status of the ad. |
Modification Time |
Timestamp |
The last time there was a modification. |
Serving State Reasons |
Dimension |
The reason for why a campaign is not running. |
Serving Status |
Dimension |
Is the campaign serving or not. |
Store Front |
Dimension |
The app store territory in which you want to promote your app. |
Impressions |
Whole Number |
The number of times your ad appeared in App Store search results. |
Taps |
Whole Number |
The number of taps on an ad. |
Cost |
Currency |
The sum of cost of each customer tap on the ad. |
Decimal |
The number of times your ad was tapped by customers divided by the total impressions. |
Conversions |
Decimal |
The total number of download and redownloads resulting from an ad. |
Conversions LAT Off |
Decimal |
Conversions from users who have not enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device. |
Conversions LAT On |
Decimal |
Conversions from users who have enabled Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) on their device. |
Conversions New Downloads |
Decimal |
The number of app downloads from new users who have never before installed the app. |
Conversions Redownloads |
Decimal |
The number of redownloads of an app - downloads, deletes, redownloads the same app following a tap on an add on the App Store, or downloads the app to an additional device. |
Insert Date |
DateTime |
Internal use: when the row was inserted in the table |
ChannelMix Profile |
Dimension |
When needed, distinguishes between Apple Search accounts – Contents defined by Alight. |