LinkedIn Social | Company Statistic Standard Dataset
Below are the fields ChannelMix considers standard for the LinkedIn Social | Company Statistic dataset.
This dataset requires a LinkedIn connection and Company Name (Ads Account optional).
LinkedIn Endpoint: Company Statistic Status
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Clicks | Integer | Count of clicks |
Comments | Integer | Count of comments |
Engagement | Integer | Count of engagement |
Impression | Integer | Count of impression |
Likes | Integer | Count of likes |
Shares | Integer | Count of shares |
Unique Impressions Count | Integer | Count of Unique Impressions |
Report Date | Date | The date the activity occurred |
Report End Date | Date | The end date of the activity occurred |
Company ID | Dimension | LinkedIn Company ID |
Insert Date | Dimension | Internal Use: when the row was inserted into table. |
ChannelMix Profile | Dimension | When needed, distinguish between LinkedIn accounts |