Pinterest | Top Pins Standard Dataset
This article details the dataset structure that ChannelMix considers standard for the Top Pins by Impressions dataset from Pinterest. This report pulls the top 100 pins for a specific day (or it could be a range of days if specified) sorted by the highest volume of impressions for that day. Currently, we are only able to pull the top 100 pins and this data is only available for the previous 6 months.
Field | Type | Description |
Report Date | Date | The date in which the top 100 pins data is being reported. |
Pin Created At | Datetime | The date and time that the Pin was created. |
Pin Board Owner Username | Text | The username for the owner of the Board where the Pin is found. |
Pin Board Section ID | Text | The ID of the board section to which this Pin belongs. |
Pin Board ID | Text | The ID of the board to which this Pin belongs. |
Pin Parent Pin ID | Text | The source Pin id if this Pin was saved from another Pin. |
Pin ID | Text | The ID of the Pin. |
Pin Title | Text | The title of the Pin. |
Pin Description | Text | The description of the Pin. |
Pin Alt Text | Text | Optional text added to the Pin to explain what people can see in it. |
Pin Has Been Promoted | Boolean | True/False; whether the Pin has been promoted. |
Pin Link | Text | The URL of the Pin. |
Pin External Link | Text | The URL of the external link included in the Pin. |
Pin Note | Text | Private note for the Pin. |
Pin Creative Type | Text | The creative type for the pin. |
Pin Media Type | Text | The media type for the pin. |
Pin Media Cover Image URL | Text | The URL for the cover image of the Pin. |
Pin Media Images Originals URL | Text | The original URL of the media image in the Pin. |
First of Mult Images URL | Text | The first image URL for a Pin that has multiple images (this situation is commonly seen with "Idea Pins"). |
Impression | Whole Number | This is how many times the pin is seen, including in-feed views, follower views, etc. |
Pin Click | Whole Number | The total number of clicks on your Pin or ad so it opens in closeup. |
Pin Click Rate | Decimal | The total number of clicks from your Pin or ad to content on or off Pinterest, divided by the total number of times your Pins or ads were on screen. |
Outbound Click | Whole Number | The number of times people perform actions that lead them to a destination off Pinterest.
Note: Outbound clicks are measured starting from the date the link is added. |
Outbound Click Rate | Decimal | The total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your Pin divided by the total number of times your Pins were on screen.
Note: Outbound clicks are measured starting from the date the link is added. |
Clickthrough | Whole Number | This is link clicks from the pin. |
Clickthrough Rate | Decimal | This is the rate of link clicks from the pin. |
Closeup | Whole Number | This is how many times the pin has been clicked to close up and take over the screen(full page view of the pin). |
Closeup Rate | Decimal | This is the rate of closeups. |
Save | Whole Number | This is how many times the pin has been saved by other pinners. |
Save Rate | Decimal | This is the rate of saves. |
Engagement | Whole Number | The total number of engagements on your Pins. This includes saves, Pin clicks, and outbound clicks. |
Engagement Rate | Decimal | The total engagements with your Pins divided by the total number of times your Pins were seen. Engagements include saves, Pin clicks, and outbound clicks. |
Video MRC View | Whole Number | Accredited video views following the standard of the Media Rating Council (MRC). The amount of views for at least 2 seconds with 50% of video in view. |
Video Start | Whole Number | The total number of video starts. |
Video 10s View | Whole Number | The number of times your video was viewed for at least 10 seconds or more. |
Quartile 95 Percent View | Decimal | The number of times your video was viewed to 95% of its length. |
Full Screen Play | Whole Number | The number of times your video was viewed after being expanded to full screen. |
Full Screen Playtime | Decimal | The total amount of time a video Pin was played in full screen mode. |
Video v50 Watch Time | Decimal | The total play time for your video in minutes. |
Video Avg. Watch Time | Decimal | The average time someone spent playing the video and static image cards included in your Pin. |
Pin Product Tags | Dimension | A list of dictionaries containing the details of the products that were tagged in the Pin. |
Pin Is Standard | Boolean | True/False; whether the Pin is considered "standard" by Pinterest. Standard Pin size on Pinterest: 2:3 aspect ratio; 1000 pixels wide x 1500 pixels tall. |
Pin Media Items | Text | A list of dictionaries containing the details of the media items included in the Pin (this situation is commonly seen with "Idea Pins"). |
Pin Media Images 150x150 URL | Text | The URL of the media image in the Pin formatted as 150x150. |
Pin Media Images 400x300 URL | Text | The URL of the media image in the Pin formatted as 400x300. |
Pin Media Images 600x URL | Text | The URL of the media image in the Pin formatted as 600x. |
Pin Media Images 1200x URL | Text | The URL of the media image in the Pin formatted as 1200x. |
Insert Date | Timestamp | ChannelMix Field: when the row was inserted into the dataset. |
ChannelMix Profile | Text | ChannelMix Field: the ChannelMix Profile associated with the data. |