HubSpot | Landing Page Analytics Standard Dataset
Below are the measures and dimensions Alight Analytics considers standard for HubSpot - Landing Page Analytics dataset. There is a one day lag on HubSpot and data is pulled for three days.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Report Date | DateTime | The report date for the data |
URL | Dimension | The URL with domain and scheme to the blog post |
HTML Title | Dimension | The title in the <title> attribute of the page, shows up in the browsers title bar and as the title in Google search results |
Entrances | Integer | The number of sessions on your website that started on this page |
Exits | Integer | The number of visitors who ended their session on your website after viewing this page |
Page Bounces | Integer | The number of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page |
Pageviews Minus Exits | Integer | The number of page views recorded in the designated time period minus the number of exits |
Raw Views | Integer | The number of page views recorded in the designated time period |
Standard Views | Integer | The number of page views recorded in the designated time period |
Insert Date | DateTime | Internal use: when the row was inserted in the table |
ChannelMix Profile | Dimension | When needed, distinguishes between HubSpot accounts - Contents defined by Alight |