Email Performance | Dashboard Overview
The Email Performance dashboard brings together Google Analytics and data from various email platforms that will help marketers understand the value of their marketing automation channels in a quick and easy way within the ChannelMix environment.
This dashboard includes the following data sources:
- Act-on
- Campaign Monitor
- Emfluence
- Exact Target
- Hubspot
- IBM Watson
- Mailchimp
- Pardot
- Snappy Kraken
Intended Audience
The audience for this report is a ChannelMix end-user who needs to have a high level understanding of how their email channel is performing by campaign and subject.
Business Questions
This dashboard is created to answer the following questions:
- Are email recipients engaging with content?
How many conversions are driven from my email campaign?
This requires a campaign naming structure in the email source that matches the campaign naming structure in Google Analytics
This report includes the following data sets: