Bing Webmaster | Crawl Stats Data Set
Below are the measures and dimensions Alight Analytics considers standard for the Bing Webmaster Crawl Stats dataset. There is a 3 day lag on Bing Webmaster and data is pulled for the previous 30 days.
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Field Name | Type | Description |
Date | Date | The date the activity occurred |
Site URL | Dimension | The site URL |
Blocked By Robots Txt | Whole Number | Number of errors recorded as blocked by robots |
Code 2xx | Whole Number | Number of errors coded as 2xx errors |
Code 301 | Whole Number | Number of errors coded as 301 errors |
Code 302 | Whole Number | Number of errors coded as 302 errors |
Code 4xx | Whole Number | Number of errors coded as 4xx errors |
Code 5xx | Whole Number | Number of errors coded as 5xx errors |
Connection Timeout | Whole Number | Number of connection timeout errors |
Contains Malware | Whole Number | Number of "Contains Malware" errors |
Crawl Errors | Whole Number | Number of crawl errors |
Crawled Pages | Whole Number | Number of pages crawled |
DNS Failures | Whole Number | Number of DNS failures |
All Other Codes | Decimal Fraction | Number of any other errors not captured in the above codes |
Insert Date | Dimension | Internal use: when the row was inserted in the dataset |
ChannelMix Profile | Dimension | When needed, distinguishes between GSC accounts - Contents defined by Alight |