Google Ads | Campaign Location Conversion Standard Dataset
Below are the measures and dimensions that Alight Analytics considers standard for the Google Ads Campaign Location Conversion dataset. This dataset uses the "Location View" from Google Ads, so the available metrics are more limited than the usual Campaign Report. There is a one day lag on Google Ads and data is pulled for the previous 31 days.
This dataset can be automatically activated without a ticket through Dataset Activation.
Field Name |
Type |
Description |
Report Date |
Date |
The date that the activity occurred. |
Campaign ID |
Dimension |
The campaign ID. |
Campaign Name |
Dimension |
The campaign name. |
Campaign Status |
Dimension |
The campaign status. |
Budget ID |
Dimension |
The campaign budget ID. |
Campaign Advertising Channel Type |
Dimension |
The primary serving target for ads within the campaign. |
Campaign Advertising Channel Sub-Type |
Dimension |
Optional refinement to Campaign Advertising Channel Type. Must be a valid sub-type of the parent channel type. |
Location View ID |
Dimension |
The Location View ID. |
Proximity Radius |
Dimension |
The radius of the proximity. |
Proximity Radius Units |
Dimension |
The unit of measurement of the radius. |
Proximity Longitude |
Dimension |
Degrees for the longitude. |
Proximity Latitude |
Dimension |
Degrees for the latitude. |
Proximity Country Code |
Dimension |
Country code. |
Proximity Province Code |
Dimension |
Province or state code. |
Proximity Province Name |
Dimension |
Province or state name. |
Proximity Postal Code |
Dimension |
Postal code. |
Proximity City Name |
Dimension |
Name of the city. |
Proximity Street Address |
Dimension |
Street address line 1. |
External Conversion Source |
Dimension |
External conversion source. |
Conversion Category |
Dimension |
Conversion action category. |
Conversion Name |
Dimension |
Conversion action name. |
Conversions |
Float |
The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Conversions Value |
Float |
The value of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
All Conversions |
Float |
The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. |
All Conversions Value |
Float |
The value of all conversions. |
View-Through Conversions |
Float |
The total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (e.g. clicking on) another ad. |
Cross Device Conversions |
Float |
Conversions from when a customer clicks on a Google Ads ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are also included in all_conversions. |
Insert Date |
Timestamp |
Internal use: When the row was inserted in the table. |
ChannelMix Profile |
Dimension |
ChannelMix Field: The ChannelMix Profile associated with the data. |