BI Tools
- BI Tools | Power BI | How do I download and activate dashboard templates? Version 2023+
- BI Tools | Power BI | Where can I access my PowerBI credentials?
- Tableau | Can I adjust my dashboard's default view?
- Tableau | How do I add a dashboard filter?
- Tableau | How do I change the title and logo on my ChannelMix dashboard?
- Tableau | How do I connect ChannelMix to Tableau desktop?
Marketing Impact Model (powered by ChannelMix AI)
- MIM Control Datasets | All about ChannelMix Control Datasets
- MIM Model Insights | How do you calculate ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)?
- MIM Model Overview | What value does having organic data add to my model?
- MIM Model Summary | How can I use ChannelMix Monitor to QA my ChannelMix AI model performance?
- MIM Model Summary | How does ChannelMix validate the model's results are accurate?
- MIM Model Summary | How much historical data does ChannelMix need for my model to run?
ChannelMix Monitor
Data & Processing
- The "New" Google Search Ads 360: Everything you need to know to migrate ChannelMix connections
- Data & Processing | Can ChannelMix accept a PGP encrypted file?
- Data & Processing | Can ChannelMix Pull Parquet Files From S3?
- Data & Processing | Can ChannelMix recover my deleted data?
- Data & Processing | How do I configure a Google Display & Video 360 for ChannelMix?
- Data & Processing | How do I configure a report form Sizmek MDX for ChannelMix?
Data Explained
- Data Explained | Are Google Analytics (GA) custom dimensions able to be pulled in to ChannelMix?
- Data Explained | Can I add the results metric to my Facebook Ads datasets?
- Data Explained | Google Ads | Why is my "Target ROAS" null?
- Data Explained | How are ChannelMix Channels defined?
- Data Explained | How are Google Ads Channels defined?
- Data Explained | How are you calculating video percent played metrics in Google Ads?
- GA4 | Can I add dimension and metric filters in the ChannelMix Control Center?
- GA4 | What happened to my Checkout Stages?
- GA4 | What are the top 5 reasons my GA4 data doesn't match ChannelMix?
- GA4 | What will the transition from UA to GA4 look like in my ChannelMix products?
- GA4 | What will happen to my UA data?
- GA4 | I use goals to track conversions in UA. What should I use in GA4?
Multi-Touch Attribution
- GA4 Ecommerce Tracking via Google Tag Manager (GTM) & Data Layer
- Google Analytics | How do I configure a GA4 page view?
- Google Analytics | How do I grant ChannelMix permission in Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager?
- Google Analytics | How do I see previous page views?
- Google Analytics | What are the important things to know about using Google Analytics data in ChannelMix?
- Google Analytics | What events does ChannelMix recommend tracking in GA4?